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Find Your True Writing Voice

Are you - or is someone you know - a writer of ethnically diverse heritage? Then look here, because on Wednesday 11th May I'm running an online workshop for Writing Our Legacy called Find Your True Writing Voice.

WoL is an arts & heritage organisation that enables Black, Asian and ethnically diverse people to tell their story through writing and the creative arts. The group supported me back in the day when I was starting out doing spoken word performances of my writing (there's a pic on this archive page from waaay back in 2011), and I'm thrilled to be returning the favour by facilitating a workshop next month.

By taking part, you'll get a bunch of fun, practical tasks to firstly recognise your true voice, and secondly write in a way that lets that shine through. The atmosphere will be encouraging and positive, and you'll leave with a piece of your original writing, plus a toolbox of tricks to help you develop that voice throughout your writing life.

Coming from several marginalised communities myself, I’ve struggled with discovering my own true voice. It’s been a lifelong journey, and I’ve picked up a few techniques along the way. I’m passionate about helping writers like me avoid the long route home, while learning to express themselves truthfully. I feel we need a plurality of voices in our culture, and to avoid what others expect of us – even those who come well-intentioned.

If you're interested, or know someone who might be, pick up your ticket here. £10 - £15 and it all goes to support WoL's work in the community. There are limited places, so get in there!

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