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My Blog

Aug 16, 20222 min read
7 rules for when to use a capital letter
You probably know the basic rules for using a capital letter. At the start of a sentence. With the personal pronoun 'I'. For a name, such...
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Jun 17, 20224 min read
Where do you get your ideas from?
The other day, I was speaking to someone I hadn't met before about my journalism. I was talking about the process of pitching, and they...
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Jun 9, 20222 min read
Can you start a sentence with 'And'?
In the olden days (aka the 1980s), when I was at school, our English teachers told us never to start a sentence with a conjunction. A...
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May 19, 20222 min read
4 Apostrophe Work-Arounds When You're Not Sure What's Correct
Listen, I may be a grammar nerd but I'm not a grammar fascist. I'm happy to boldly split an infinitive and I love a dangling preposition...
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Apr 26, 20222 min read
Find Your True Writing Voice
Are you - or is someone you know - a writer of ethnically diverse heritage? Then look here, because on Wednesday 11th May I'm running an...
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Apr 7, 20222 min read
Unfrazzle at Brighton Summit
My next Unfrazzle workshop will be at the Brighton Summit on Friday 29th April. The Brighton Summit is run by Brighton Chamber of...
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